There are following types of crimes in law 1.  Theft something is stolen is called theft. 2.   Robbery taking something by force.  3.   Burglary breaking  into somebody's house. 4.   Shoplifting stealing merchandise. 5.   Smuggling taking goods illegally from country to country.  6    Murder/homicide  taking someone's life through violence.  7    speeding driving too fast.  8    Assessination killing someone  for hire  or fanaticism.  9.   Torture treating someone cruelly  and  unfairly.  10.  Trafficking trading in goods often illegally in case of drugs. 11.   Vandalism damaging public property.  12.    Rape someone  to have sexual relation by force.

Duties of Headman

Duties of headmen.- In addition to the duties imposed upon headmen under any
other law, a headman shall-
(i) collect, by due date, the land revenue and all sums recoverable as land
revenue, from the estate, or sub-division of an estate in which he holds office,
and pay the same personally or by revenue money order or by remittance of
currency notes through the post or at place where treasury business is
conducted by the State Bank of Pakistan, or any other Bank, by cheque, on a
local bank, at the place and time appointed in that behalf, to the Tehsildar
(ii) collect the rents and other income of the common land, and account for these
to the persons entitled thereto;
(iii) issue receipts in Form I to the land-owners and others, in token of having
recovered the Government dues from them;
Explanation.- The Tehsildar should arrange to supply printed receipt books (Form I)
to the headmen, free of cost, according to their requirements.
(iv) report, to the Tehsildar, all encroachments on roads (including village roads)
or on Government waste lands and injuries to, or appropriation of Government
property situated within the estate;
(v) report any injury to public buildings in the estate;
(vi) implement, to the best of his ability, any orders that he may receive from the
Collector, requiring him to furnish information or to assist in providing, on
payment, supplies or means of transport, for troops or for officers of
Government on duty;
(vii) assist, in such manner as the Collector may from time to time direct, at all crop
inspections, recording of mutations, surveys, preparation of records-of-rights
or other revenue business within the estate;
(viii) attend the summons of all authorities having jurisdiction in the estate; assist,
when so required by them, all officers of the Government in the discharge of
their duties, furnish all relevant information in this behalf and generally act for
the land-owners, tenants and other residents of the estate or sub-division of the
estate, in which he holds office in regard to their responsibilities to the


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