There are following types of crimes in law 1.  Theft something is stolen is called theft. 2.   Robbery taking something by force.  3.   Burglary breaking  into somebody's house. 4.   Shoplifting stealing merchandise. 5.   Smuggling taking goods illegally from country to country.  6    Murder/homicide  taking someone's life through violence.  7    speeding driving too fast.  8    Assessination killing someone  for hire  or fanaticism.  9.   Torture treating someone cruelly  and  unfairly.  10.  Trafficking trading in goods often illegally in case of drugs. 11.   Vandalism damaging public property.  12.    Rape someone  to have sexual relation by force.

What is Obiter Dicta?

The statements outside the ratio dicidendi are called the Obiter Dicta. As its meaning, the Obiter Dicta does not state the primary reasoning of the decision, therefore it is not binding for the future decisions. Although it is not a part of the precedent, some of the Obiter Dicta can be referred in the future case to make the certain view to the law more persuasive. In the case of Carlill v Carbolic Smoke Ball Co Ltd (1892), the obiter dicta would be ‘If I advertise to the world that my dog is lost, and that anybody who brings the dog to a particular place will be paid some money, are all the police or other persons whose business it is to find lost dogs to be expected to sit down and write me a note saying that they have accepted my proposal? Why, of course, they at once look [for] the dog, and as soon as they find the dog they have performed the condition.’ [1] The judge added this part to assist his view on the decision.


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