There are following types of crimes in law 1.  Theft something is stolen is called theft. 2.   Robbery taking something by force.  3.   Burglary breaking  into somebody's house. 4.   Shoplifting stealing merchandise. 5.   Smuggling taking goods illegally from country to country.  6    Murder/homicide  taking someone's life through violence.  7    speeding driving too fast.  8    Assessination killing someone  for hire  or fanaticism.  9.   Torture treating someone cruelly  and  unfairly.  10.  Trafficking trading in goods often illegally in case of drugs. 11.   Vandalism damaging public property.  12.    Rape someone  to have sexual relation by force.

Qualification director of company

There are following qualification of director.
1. A director must be natural person . A legal entity cannot be a director of comapany .
2. Should no be minor.
3. Should not be unsound mind.
4. Should not have applied to be adjudicated as an insolvent.
5. Should not be an undischarged insolvent.
6. Should not have been convicted by court of law of offence involving moral turpitude.
7. Should not have been debarred from holding such office under any provision of ordinance.
8. Should not have betrayed lack of fiduciary behaviour and declared by the court .
9. Should not be a perason who is not a member .
10. Should not be  a person  who has been declared by court of competant jurisdiction as defaulter in repayment of loan to financial institution . Apply only in listed comapny.
11. Should not be a person who is member of stock exchange engaged in the business  od brokerage .

12. Should be a person who before he becomes a director  files a declaration of his consent .


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