There are following types of crimes in law 1.  Theft something is stolen is called theft. 2.   Robbery taking something by force.  3.   Burglary breaking  into somebody's house. 4.   Shoplifting stealing merchandise. 5.   Smuggling taking goods illegally from country to country.  6    Murder/homicide  taking someone's life through violence.  7    speeding driving too fast.  8    Assessination killing someone  for hire  or fanaticism.  9.   Torture treating someone cruelly  and  unfairly.  10.  Trafficking trading in goods often illegally in case of drugs. 11.   Vandalism damaging public property.  12.    Rape someone  to have sexual relation by force.

Power director of company

According to company act 1984 there are following power of director.
General power.
The board is general entitled to exercise all power of the comapny for its efficient management. However there are  two limitation upon their power.
1 the board must exercise power in manner that is prescribed in ordinanace the article of comapny and special resulation.
2 the board is not exercise those power that are required to be exercise by shareholder in a general meeting.

 2  Specific power
1 To make calls on shareholder in the respect of money unpaid on their share.
2 To issue the share.
3 To issue the debanture.
4 To borrow the money otherwise than on debanture.
5 To invest the funds of company.
6 To make loans.
7 To authorise director enter into contract with comapny to make sale purchase.
8 To approve annual or half yearly other periodical accounts.
9 To approve bonus to employees.
10 To undertake the obligation under leasing contracts exceesing one million rupèes.
11 To declare the interim devidend.
12. TO Writ off bad debts advance receivable inventries and other assets of the company .
13 To authorised law suit Their compromised and settlement .


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